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This update includes

  • PDF quote templates - New version - Customise your quotes even more!
    • Create new pages from predefined or ‘free’ templates to customise your content,
    • Change the page order (with the option of inserting page numbers).

Capture d’écran 2024-09-17 à 11.58.30

  • New advanced parameters for editing request forms:
    • Display of group type via buttons (with icons) or as a selection list,
    • Choice of header logo position (aligned left or centre),
    • Choice of background image position (top or right alignment),
    • Insert Custom CSS styles (via the Design> Advanced tab),
    • Insert an RGPD text (with custom text) at the last step of the request form.

Connectivity :
  • LEAN : optimise the sending of products to the PMS,
  • CLOCK : extension of the limitation for sending files to 24 months.